Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Beaujolas-Villages Georges DuBoeuf 2008

Type: Beaujolais
Year: 2008
Price: 8.99
Rating: 4 - Would definitely buy again
Where Bought: Otto's Menomonee Falls
Comments: This red wine was another of the nice surprises I received when I first tried it. Lately, I have become, let's say, cautious when trying new uncharted territories. Most recent unknown wines have been more of a disappointment. But, then along comes a wine, every now and then, that rejuvenates my faith in trying new things. This is one of those times. This wine was very pleasant and smooth. Once in awhile, its also a nice departure from the strangth of a Cabernet, which are my favorites. So, anyway, I'm skipping right over my general rating for new wines, to a rating of 4. Yes, I would definitely buy this one again.

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