Saturday, March 2, 2013

Yellow Tail Cabernet Sauvignon

Type: Cabernet Sauvignon
Year: 2012 (Sat. Nov. 1st 2014, Brook Falls Discount Wine & Spirits on Lisbon)
Year: 2013 (Sat. Sep 27th 2014, Brook Falls Discount Wine & Spirits on Lisbon)
Year: 2013 (Sat. Aug 9th 2014, Brook Falls Discount Wine & Spirits on Lisbon)
Year: 2012 (Sat. May 10th, Brook Falls Discount Wine & Spirits on Lisbon)
Price: 5.99 (Sat. May 10th, Brook Falls Discount Wine & Spirits on Lisbon)
Price: 5.99  (Sat. Aug 9th 2014, Brook Falls Discount Wine & Spirits on Lisbon)
Price: 6.59 (Sat. Feb 2nd 2013)

Rating: 5 - One of my favorites

Where Bought: Brook Falls Discount Wine & Spirits on Lisbon
Comments: (Sat. Nov. 1st 2014) Continues to be one of our favorites.
Comments: (Sat. Sep 27th 2014) Still one of our favorites. The Yellow Tail brand is amazing value and good taste.
Comments: (Sat. Aug 9th 2014) Continues to be one of our favorites. The Cabernet Sauvignon is a full bodied wine and Yellow Tail consistantly produces great wines for amazingly low prices. 
Comments: Always a consistent great tasting wine. Even after it is chilled. Remains one of our favorites. As all Yellow Tails, a great consistent, surprising wine!
Comments: Unfortunately,  I don't remember much about when or where I bought this wine this time. It is labelled 2012 and continues with its consistency of flavor.
Comments: Yes, believe it or not, this wine surprisingly became one of our favorites. Since our first purchase, we have been surprised by its pleasant taste and at this price, you cannot go wrong. Its consistency is another of its many positive traits. A great tasting wine!

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