Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Clos du Bois Merlot 2007

Type: Merlot
Year: 2007
Price: 13.99
          (13.99 - Otto's Brown Deer, Dec 15th 2012) 
Rating: 3 - Will try it again
Where Bought: Pick N' Save
Comments: Clos du Bois has been a consistant staple merlot for me in the past. I was always satisfied with their flavor, texture and full bodied taste. The reason I gave this one a rating of only 3, is because for the first time, it didn't live up to my expectations. It seemed a little on the lighter side, but definitely still a good taste. Perhaps I have been enjoying Cabernet's lately and caused this Merlot to be lighter on the palette ? To see how this 2007 Merlot compares to its own predessessor's, see my posts on the Clos du Bois Merlot 2003 and the Clos du Bois Merlot 2005. Either way, I still like it and would like to continue giving it another try. I won't give up on this great tasting wine that easily !

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