Saturday, June 28, 2014

Yellow Tail Cabernet Merlot 2012

Type: Cabernet Merlot
Year: 2012
Price: 5.99
Rating: 4 - Would definitely buy again
Where Bought: Brook Falls Discount Wine & Spirits on Lisbon
Comments: Yellow Tail is quickly becoming one our choice wines. It's a good example that a good wine does not have to be expensive. What is so surprising about the wine, is that it tastes good at room temperature, and even after it has been chilled.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Edna Valley Cabernet 2009

Type: Cabernet
Year: 2009
Price: 10.99
Rating: 4 - Would definitely buy again
Where Bought: Brook Falls Discount Wine & Spirits on Lisbon
Comments: Just like the Edna Valley Merlot, it is a great tasting wine! Even after it has been chilled, it still tastes great. We hope that it will continue to be as consistent upon the next purchase.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Irony Cabernet Sauvignon 2010

Type: Cabernet
Year: 2010
Price: 11.49
Rating: 3 - Will try it again
Where Bought: Otto's brown Deer (Nov. 23 2013)
Comments: Very tasty, full bodied Cabernet. We will definitely be trying it again. Hopefully, it will be consistent.