Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Leese-Fitch 2009

Type: Cabernet Sauvignon
Year: 2009
Price: 14.99
Rating: 2 - Probably won't buy again
Where Bought: Brews Wine & Spirits - on Capitol Drive
Comments: This is a cabernet from the california sonoma valley. The initial taste is strong on the palette. Once the first sip is taken, you realize the strength of this wine. It went very well with pasta. The reason for the low rating, is primairily from the cost. Yes, it is a very good wine, and on its own merit, I would probably try it again. But, at the price, I have had better wines that I would rather have based on past history. If this wine was to go on sale, I may try it again. But, for now, it was a nice, one time experience.

Friday, March 11, 2011

7 Deadly Zins 2008 - Red Zinfandel

Type: Red Zinfandel
Year: 2008
Price: 11.99
Rating: 4 - Would definitely buy again
Where Bought: Brews Wine & Spirits - on Capitol Drive
Comments: This wine was pleasantly smooth and easy to enjoy. Not the strongest red wine I have ever had, however, very enjoyable, which allows me to provide a higher than average rating.