Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Clos Du Bois - Merlot 2003

Type: Merlot
Year: 2003
Rating: 5 - One of my favorites
Price: 11.99 (Discounted from 15.99)
Where Bought: Discount Liquor, West Allis
Comment: Sonoma County, This Merlot was very nice. The Clos Du Bois Merlot's generally have been consistantly good. Being a 2003, it was stronger in taste. Would buy again.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

J. Lohr 2006 Cabernet Sauvignon

Type: Cabernet Sauvignon
Year: 2006
Rating: 4 - Would buy again. May become one of my favorites
Price: 10.99 (On sale from 11.99)
Where Bought: ?
Comments: Seven Oaks Estates. Paso Robles Cabernet Sauvignon. Very Nice Wine. Another winner "Cab". Would definetely buy this one again.